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Dear Friends
First of all, thank you so much for your support! Here's an update of the projects that Hands for an African Child is currently working on.


Bunkbeds for Bed-less Orphans
In August 2017, "The Future is Now" orphanage in Gulu, Uganda, received a delivery of bunkbeds, mattresses, bedding, and mosquito netting, which was made possible through numerous donations to Hands for An African Child (HFAAC). Prior to this, these 43 children slept on the concrete floor of their building, some with not even a blanket. Thank you for your donations to this project. It was a much-celebrated event, bringing smiles to the faces of the children in the orphanage.
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Vision Exams & Prescriptions
Hands for an African Child – (HFAAC) found a school for the deaf, which is the only school for the deaf in Kampala. Sixteen of these students were having vision problems and were in need of eye exams. We used the same optometrist from the eyeglasses event that we did in Uganda last November, Dr. Hassan, and he kindly agreed to do these exams for a discounted fee.

Stella Ajilong, general manager for HFAAC, was key in setting up and coordinating this visit for eye exams and glasses for these students. Your donations helped make this possible.


Eye Care for Baby Simon
Simon, is an 8-month old baby that has vision issues from the village of Lwambogo in Uganda. He was found by Godfrey, a Ugandan, who is a friend of Hands for an African Child. Godfrey was visiting the village with a humanitarian team and while there they met Simon and his mother Annet. She was very concerned about his vision. Godfrey had a Ugandan doctor who was part of the team do a preliminary exam during their village visit. The doctor recommended Simon see an ophthalmologist as he thought Simon had congenital bilateral glaucoma, which could cause him to go blind. This diagnosis was confirmed.

HFAAC arranged for a doctor visit in Kampala, which is 3-4 hours away from Simon’s home. Stella Ajilong, a Ugandan volunteer with HFAAC and our general manager, hosted Simon and his mother for their stay.

He saw the ophthalmologist who ordered a test to be conducted on the nerves that connect to his eyes, which was conducted the next day. This scan led to a prescription of special eyedrops that is doing a great deal to help his condition. Simon’s eyes will continue to be monitored by doctors over the next several months.
Smiling kids


Other Projects Funded
A trip to Kampala and doctor's exam for Simon's follow-up 90-day checkup.

Three-acre Parcel of Land
Help with additional donations to assist in purchasing a 3 acre parcel of land next to an existing orphanage, allowing them to grow crops. The land costs $2,000, allowing them to become more self-sufficient for food and bring some variety into the children’s diet.

Wall/Fence for Property
Someone trespassed on the property to steal six goats which were being raised to benefit the children.

A new dorm building for the orphans who received the bunkbeds. Due to heavy rainstorms the boys dorm building had a partial collapse. 
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