Education & Outreach

Orphans getting cabbage


International Charity Organizations to Donate To
While we are working hard to create a self-reliant Children’s Village, we will continue to seek donations for our outreach programs, which will allow us to create an impact that can be felt across the whole country, and maybe even the entire continent. We know that we can help change the poverty situation beyond our community and are committed to doing all we can to make that happen.
Education for Poor Children
We want to provide a way for other children to attend school at the Children’s Village, even if they aren’t part of our community. We can help both boys and girls in this way, and even provide clean water for their families when they come because the students will take it home with them after they finish school each day.
Teaching Young Women
Because of the high number of child mothers, teaching about puberty and sexual development is important. We have worked with Days for Girls and will continue to work with them to provide needed supplies and education for girls and developing young women.
Minor Surgical Procedures
One common procedure that will be life-changing for women is a simple surgery that is performed after childbirth. Instead of leaving a woman leaking urine after delivering a baby, which leads to constantly smelling like urine and being ostracized, a doctor has offered to teach doctors in the hospitals in Uganda to perform this simple procedure. We will bring others to our health clinic for this education.
Orange trees


If you are looking for a charity that you can donate to right now that will make a huge difference in Africa, please consider Hands for an African Child. Our outreach programs are impacting numerous families and children in Uganda that need our help. If you have any questions about our programs or how you can become involved, please contact us
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